A Cheerful and Thankful Heart

Anybody with a psychology degree online will tell you that being grateful for everything is very beneficial to your happiness. Likewise, if more religion were in schools, this way of thinking would prevail in society.

I always thank God for his favor. I just took my oath as a professional teacher last Sunday and the feeling is really amazing. I keep on thanking my God for being faithful to me always. In everything I do and everything I say… it is all for Him- for His glory. Apart from Him, I can do nothing. So I give back all the glory and thanks giving to God- my savior Jesus Christ.

I also thank everybody for your prayers and support- especially to my family. I love you all and keep on dreaming and soaring high. Just continue believing that… “God is able to do thing exceedingly and abundantly above all that you could ask for according to the power that is working among us.” Ephesians 3:20

Keep going and God bless you.


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