Summer Fun Workshop Recital

Train up a child the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.~Proverbs 22:6
We are molding our future generation. We are the one who influence and  gives greater impact to our young generation. Let's start by doing simple act of goodness to them that their going to impart also to their children in the future.

The moment we started our "Summer Fun Workshop 2016"activity in our church, I felt so hesitant and excited at the same time. Hesitant, because we have a lot of things to prepare, but excited because we know we can impart our talents to the kids. We started from the month of April-May (every Saturday). The workshop is for the kids to learn the musical instruments and arts like painting and drawing. Kids who enrolled in arts are taught how to draw, paint and do some crafts. While those who enrolled in the music class are trained on how to play the instruments like guitar, keyboard and drums (basic and advanced).It's so fascinating to see them learn and play the instruments. Musical instrument players deserves the best musical instruments. Upgrade your musical instruments, for learners and music guru, checkout guitar center plano. It is the right place where you can find the great selection of guitars, basses, keyboards, drums, percussions and etc.

It is very overwhelming to be part of this significant activity. Finally, May 15 is the day for our "Recital". I am very emotional and overwhelmed seeing those kids showcasing their talents by presenting an artwork and playing the different musical instruments. It paids off our effort and sacrifices. I can see to those kids the future of potential artists- great artists indeed. I can see a generation who are passionate in music and arts. I am rooting to those talented kids. I hope that those kids are willing to step up and build a generation of artists who are willing to use their talents to serve others and most especially to offer their talents to God.

Keep going everyone. Enjoy your remaining weeks for an enjoyable and memorable summer activities. God bless. :)


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