Happy Love Day: It Pays to Wait But it's Always Worth the Wait.

Happy LOVE day to everyone.
Hearts Day, Love Day, Valentines Day... whatever they called it- truly love is in the air. Spend time with your loved ones today.

In many years that I've been celebrating this day as single, this is the first time that I feel so secured and loved. Though there are trials and misunderstandings that happen but, I can't stop myself but to believe that great days are coming ahead. I hope you feel the same way too.

"Love day" is not just for lovers, but for everyone who has the capacity to love  and be loved. There are many types of love- a love for family, for friends, for lovers and a love for God. I am blessed and thankful that despite all the rejections by other people, I am pretty sure that the love of God is for forever. And that's the greatest thing that I can hold on to. Celebrate love and be inspired. Love people even though they can't love you back. Give love without asking love in return. It's free to love- so love someone as many as you can. Share and spread the love.

To all the single woman out there who is waiting for their right love to come this is for you. It's crazy, but I feel really great today. While reading this poem entitled "Postcard" by Lang Leav it gives me extra strength to wait... to embrace the process of waiting.

This is a poem entitled  "Postacard" written for someone he loves... his future love. ( I've written a letter before entitled "Love Letter for my Future Husband" in my other blog, but I feel so sad because I can't retrieve the blog anymore so as the letter). But I am still thankful in this poetic words written by Lang Leav because it greatly represents the same thoughts and feelings I've felt while writing that letter. Thank you Lang Leav for reincarnating my "Love Letter to my Future Husabnd" into a poem "Postcard".
I hope you like the poem. Feel the love...


Until then, think of me, dream of me and I will do the same.
One day I will learn your name, and I will write it somewhere on this page. 
And we will realise that we have known each other all along. <3

My undying motto about waiting~ It pays to wait, but it's always worth the wait.


  1. Thank you Services Loolup Service for reincarnating my "Love Letter to my Future Husabnd" into a poem "Postcard".


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