Random Thought: It's the Simple Thing that Counts

Random thought: It is about knowing the smallest, the little detail of your life that counts the most...

Currently: Writing a blog at 11 o'clock in the evening of the January 31st. It's pretty amazing when you realize it's an hour away to February. Before this month end, I would like to express some random thought that disturbs my mind in this silent evening.
Actually, I'm in the perfect mood to blog. Plus, I'm just right here at my favorite place to hangout- here in my room at the right corner of my bed illuminated by the purple lampshade. Truly, it's my "clean well-lighted place" for me. The perfect ambiance convinced me to compose a blog and reflect on the things- my random thoughts that disturb the silent evening.

I started to think of my dreams, my ambitions, and my secret desires. As it flashed right in front of me, it lingered for a while but it suddenly fades away. It's just a minute or second, it vanished. But, I still put my hope and have faith that someday, somehow all my dreams will come to pass.

What I have right now are the simple things... the little details of my life. While waiting for that dream to happen, I start to compose myself and get to know who I am. It's the  simple things count. People may not know me well, my family cannot answer about my favorite book, author, fav food and favorite place to hangout... but, I do exactly know that I can answer it all. I want to emphasize that those are exactly the things we need to do- to know better oneself. To love!

Have a glimpse of the little things you love about, the simple things you love to do and the tiny pieces of your hearts desire that you want to happen... think of it...  and just do it! Big dreams frustrate us, it stressed us- especially if you waited for it and you wanted for it so badly but nothing happens. That's the main reason why we lose our focus. Why not try to do the little things and be happy about it. Start reading your book you purchased at the bookstore, cook your favorite food and share it with your family. But you can do both- cook your favorite food and eat it while reading your newly purchased book or sleep early and take some rest. Life would be very simple if you don't complicate things too much. Big Dreams are good. I'm not hindering you to dream, but life would be satisfying if we accomplish those tiny, little, simple things in our life. It gives exact happiness we've all been wanting. We will live a satisfied and complete life if we appreciate all of it.

"When you start appreciating tiny, little and simple things in your life, you will be amazed and appreciate more of the BIG and GREAT things that will come to you." It's all about focus. Simple things counts.

Have a great day everyone. Keep going and God bless.


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