Young People Regeneration

Hello everyone. Last November 2, my heart felt with gladness and joy. We had an overnight retreat at the Gift Sea beach resort. Though the place was so cold but the fire is burning in our heart- the fire and longing for Christ presence. Together with the other young people (my church mates), we had a fellowship and a great revival and anointing. Again, it’s another experience and opportunity for me to grow in Christ. I can’t explain the joy that I felt inside. It’s time for re-generation and respond to God’s calling. I believe that the time will come that God’s amazing anointing and revival will come in our land.

HTT- Harvest Time Temple Iligan Retreat

Calling for Re-generation

HTT Young people

Yes Lord! Yes Lord!

Cold Evening

Departure Time (7:00 AM). Cold Morning.

God bless to our youth and always keep the fire burning. God reigns.
Keep going.


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