I finally Have it!

A letter from Google Company

The code (which is inside the letter) is needed in activating the payees account.

Yes, I’m very happy now because I finally received my Google adsense code. I waited for how many months for this letter-ever since I started blogging. I thought, before, it was lost… and I can never have it. To my co-bloggers, I know that you have all experienced this type of emotions- a feeling of excitement and joy. Thinking that my success is here... I feel more motivated when I first handed this letter.

This is the first step to success. I started blogging a few months ago and I can consider it as reward of all my efforts and sacrifices. This time, I’ll have now an extra income to support my studies, projects and all the needs- you know girl thing- and other extra expenses.

God bless us all. I hope that we will reach all our goals and the success that we are longing for… Keep going everyone.


  1. Isn't it so exciting to finally see some fruit for the labor? Congrats on doing so well with your blog!

  2. Congrats!

    I received mine last year.

  3. Congrats. But google adsens is slow earning for me, I earned more at the mylot forum. It has been months and less than $ 20 still. and when one reachers payout, some are deleted/refused to be paid because of alleged wrongdoings. I hope this won't happen to us. Good luck, you could do more with paid reviews., Try review me, it pays well and on time. Cheers.

  4. Wow Lingz, congratulations! I had the same feelings too when I got mine back in Sept last year! Just keep and don't get too excited about of expecting bucks to get in, hehehe just don't overdo it... heheeeh

    Good luck my friend...


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